Eat Like Europeans

There is a saying:  “When in Rome, do as the Roman’s do”.  Doing so, you can save 25++% on restaurant food.
•    Lunch is often the primary meal for European families.
•    Restaurants offer three course lunch specials/meals (salad, main dish and dessert or coffee) for a fixed fee – anywhere between 8-12 €.  Some countries (Valencia being one) also include a drink (beer, wine, soda or bottle water).  A similar meal at dinnertime would be priced ala cart and cost significantly more.
•    Since you’re staying in an apartment with full kitchen – you have options. BUT – you may not want to cook.  Also, you had a big and great lunch.  SO – purchasing good wine, great cheese, olives, crackers and French/local bread can provide an enjoyable and sufficient dinner… and allow you to go to bed not feeling stuffed.  Not to mention saving money with NO sacrifice.
•    Another light dinner alternative is pizza.  Italians live all across Europe and great pizza for 10-15€ is always near your apartment.
•    Last but also first, is breakfast.  Scope out the local bakery near your apartment for amazing 1€ croissants and fresh bread.
•    And “Of Course”:  You’ll want to go out for dinner a couple of night a week.  Remember, you’re creating luxurious memories, not penny pinching.